Tuesday, 13 August 2013

KMML jobs Recruitment 2013 Notification for Jr. Operator/Jr. Technician Trainee job vacancies.

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KMML jobs Recruitment 2013 Notification for Jr. Operator/Jr. Technician Trainee job vacancies.
The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. has invited applications from the eligible candidates for the Recruitment Notification 2013. The Candidates who want to apply for KMML Notification 2013 can apply now. The KMML has announced Jr. Operator and Jr. Technician Trainee job vacancies 2013. The Candidates who want to apply for KMML Jr. Operator openings has training period of one year. The salary during training will be 7,000Rs. After selection the candidates will be paid with 12,070-32,830 Rs. and with other allowances also.  The age of the candidates should not exceed twenty six years for applying KMML Jr. Technician Trainee careers 2013, the Candidates should see the notification because different jobs are set different qualification. Candidate will be selected on the basis of the performances in the interview. The Candidates should download the application form official website and send the filled in application form to the given address in the notification for KMML jobs 2013. The Closing date of submission of application is 26th August 2013. The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. prepares cosmetics, medicines, plastic products. The candidates for further information visit official website of KMML.

Company name: KMML

Company Website: www.kmml.com

The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. Jobs recruitment Details:- 

(a)  Junior Operator Trainee- 27 posts
(b)  Junior Technician (Fitter Trainee )- 05 posts
(c)  Junior Technician (welder) - 03 posts
(d)  Junior Technician (Instrumentation Trainee) - 03 posts
(e)  Junior Technician  (Electrician Trainee) - 04 posts
(f)   Junior Technician  (Auto Electrician Trainee) - 01 post
(g)  Junior Technician  (Electronics Trainee) - 02 posts
(h) Junior Technician  (Pipe Fabrication Trainee) - 02 posts
(i)    Junior Technician (Civil Trainee) - 03 posts
(j)    Junior Technician (Carpenter Trainee) - 01 post
(k)  Junior Analyst Trainee- 02 posts
(l)    Junior Charge man (Sores Trainee) - 05 posts
(m)Junior Technician (EDP Trainee) - 01 post

Job Type: Govt Sector
Desired Qualification: Candidates should see the notification because different jobs are set different qualification.

Selection Process of The Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. Junior Research Fellow, Research Associate, Field Assistant jobs vacancies 2013: Candidate will be selected on the basis of the performances in the interview.

How to Apply: The Candidates should download the application form official website and send the filled in application form to the given address in the notification.

Pay scale: 12,070-32,830 Rs

Important Dates: 

Closing date of submission of application: 26-08-2013


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